Nawaz Sharif's Remarks on 2017 Government Ousting

The leader of the Muslim League-N, Nawaz Sharif, has expressed his views on the events surrounding the unjust ousting of the PML-N government in 2017, suggesting a conspiracy that raises questions about the involvement of judges in a plot against the country.

"A series of conspiracies continued against us, culminating recently. If the lesson is not learned now, as Allama Iqbal said, our story will not be part of stories."

Addressing a workers' convention in Sialkot, Nawaz Sharif highlighted that during that time, Pakistan's economic situation outshone neighboring countries, with a robust currency, minimal inflation, and successful efforts against issues like load shedding and terrorism. Despite the progress, the government faced removal through what he claims was a conspiracy.

Nawaz Sharif, who has endured challenging times, spending more time in jails and facing false accusations than in power, emphasized that he never lost courage.

"Unjust punishments were given without any reason. If you remove someone without any reason, then whom will you bring in? Why was Nawaz Sharif removed? Why was the RTS system closed?"

The former Prime Minister questioned the need for conspiracies against them, citing the removal of a representative of millions by just five people. He pondered the consequences of changing the Prime Minister frequently and its impact on the country's governance.

Nawaz Sharif criticized the individual brought in after his removal, stating that their use of abusive language has negatively impacted society and culture. He expressed deep concern for the country and rejected such individuals as leaders.

"Whatever happened with us has happened. In our tenure, no injustice was done against the interests of Pakistan. What happened in the last 70 years with the country, may God not let it happen with any other country."

He held those responsible for bringing in such individuals equally accountable, asserting that if their government hadn't been terminated, Pakistan would be a stronger country today.

Nawaz Sharif questioned the necessity for judges to make decisions against them and pondered the motives behind conspiring against their government.

Before this, Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif visited the Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Maryam Nawaz, the Chief Organizer of the Muslim League-N, was also present during this occasion.

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