Karachi Journalists Reject PEMRA Amendment Bill 2023, Demand an Empowered and Independent Institution

Karachi ( Social Media Point News ) In a joint meeting held at the Karachi Press Club on Monday, various journalistic organizations, including PFUG (Karachi Union of Journalists) and Karachi Press Club officials, along with columnists, voiced their complete rejection of the PEMRA Amendment Bill 2023 proposed by the PDM government. The proposed bill is seen as a threat to press freedom and an attempt to suppress the voice of journalists.

Instead of supporting the amendment bill, the attendees of the meeting demanded that PEMRA be restructured into an empowered institution, in accordance with the recommendations of the two-member media commission established by the Supreme Court.

Key points of discussion in the meeting included:

Rejecting the PEMRA Amendment Bill as an attack on press freedom.

Calling for a review of Article 19 to address the active role of the judiciary and security establishment in political affairs, while advocating for separate bodies to handle prosecution and punishments.

Advocating for legislation to create the Media Employees Conditions of Service Act, similar to the Newspapers Employees Conditions of Service Act, 1973.

Expressing concern over unverified news, audio, and video leaks and urging the government to strengthen the Defamation Act, 2002 to combat propaganda news.

Advising the government to engage with media stakeholders to enhance press freedom and ensure the safety of journalists.

During the meeting, prominent journalists also criticized the government's attempts to control PEMRA and stressed the need to make it an autonomous body under the Parliament's supervision. They argued that such independence is essential to protect press freedom and prevent undue influence on media organizations.

Furthermore, the meeting attendees called out the PDM government for attempting to curb press freedom through the proposed bill and expressed their commitment to resist any measures aimed at suppressing the media.

In conclusion, the journalistic organizations and leaders present at the meeting urged the government to consult with journalist organizations and work towards establishing an independent and autonomous PEMRA institution, free from political interference. They emphasized the significance of a free press in upholding democracy and protecting the rights of journalists in Pakistan.

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