Controversial Views on Israel-Palestine Conflict

The largest English newspaper in Israel, 'Haaretz,' is associated with journalist and columnist Gideon Levy. According to him, there is not a conflict between Israel and Palestine, but rather a brutal occupation and racism. He believes that Israel's oppressive occupation of Palestine needs to end.

Recently, a viral video of an Israeli journalist on social media is gaining attention, where he categorizes Israel as a racist and occupying nation. In the video, he identifies himself as Israeli, born and raised there, expressing love for Israel and a sense of belonging.

Gideon Levy argues against using the term "conflict" to describe the situation between Israel and Palestine, as he believes the two sides are not equal. He draws a parallel to the history of France and Algeria, stating that there was never a conflict between them. Instead, Algeria faced France's oppressive occupation, which eventually ended. Similarly, he insists that there is no conflict between Israel and Palestine, but rather Israel's oppressive occupation that needs to come to an end.

In light of his own experiences, the journalist points to the Israeli government system as racist and oppressive. He describes it as one of the most merciless and unjust governments globally, claiming to have observed and criticized it for the past 40 years. He asserts that the Israeli government system can be labeled as racist.

Levy further argues that even if two different nations coexist peacefully on a piece of land, it does not make it right, and there will still be inherent injustice. He refers to occupied Israeli lands and the Jordan Valley, stating that the apparent prosperity there is misleading. According to him, when you look towards the Palestinians, there is no electricity, water, or human rights. He challenges the notion that this is not racism and questions if there is another name for it.

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