Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Jr, Fatima Bhutto’s Bulhan Foundation aims to foster compassion for all living beings

Artist Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Jr, along with his sister Fatima Bhutto and friend Menaal Munshey, has announced the launch of the Bulhan Foundation. In a video on his Instagram, Zulfikar shared that the purpose of this foundation is to promote care and kindness towards all living creatures, whether they're humans or animals.

Their emblem, the Indus River Dolphin, represents the foundation. It's described as the first wildlife foundation in Sindh initiated by locals. Their goal is to connect caring for people with caring for the environment.

The Bulhan Foundation's Instagram page mentions their aim to put into action laws that support nature and the well-being of people. They want to develop in a way that doesn't harm our culture or the variety of life around us. Instead, they want to protect and enhance wildlife.

The foundation believes that keeping our unique visual traditions alive and reviving traditional crafts is essential to respecting all life. They're also concerned with being ready for disasters and helping out when they happen. Their philosophy is rooted in finding solutions and having a positive impact.

This isn't the first time these three have come together to help Pakistan. During recent floods, they formed the Indus Relief 2022, raising funds by auctioning experiences to support flood victims.

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