Doctors’ negligence claims pregnant woman’s life in Nawabshah

Doctors’ negligence claims pregnant woman’s life in Nawabshah

A sad thing happened at a private hospital in the Qazi Ahmad Hospital area of Nawabshah. There was a pregnant woman named Azeema, who lost her life because she was given the wrong injection.

Even though Azeema was taken to a government hospital, which is a hospital run by the government, she couldn't survive.

Because the doctors' mistake caused the woman to die, her family got very upset and started to protest. The police also got involved and made a report about what happened. Then they took the woman's body to the Civil Hospital to do a post-mortem, which is like an examination after someone dies to find out why they died.

Azeema's family talked to the media and said that her condition got worse when a doctor gave her an injection without checking her blood pressure and heart rate first.

They want the doctors who made the mistake to be arrested as soon as possible.

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