Sikh Pilgrims Extend Annual Tradition, Arrive in Lahore

Sikh Pilgrims Welcome in Lahore

Just like every year, this year too Sikh pilgrims from the neighboring country India reached Lahore through the Wagah border.

Rana Shahid, Additional Secretary of the Evacuee Trust Property Board, warmly welcomed the Sikh pilgrims.

During this time, Sardar Amir Singh, the head of the Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, was also present at the Gurdwara.

On this occasion, Rana Shahid said, "We extend a heartfelt welcome to the Sikh pilgrims coming from India. Approximately around 3,000 Sikh pilgrims have arrived from India."

Sardar Amir Singh added, "We are committed to providing the pilgrims with comfortable accommodation, delicious meals, and the best travel facilities."

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