Anti-Polio Campaign in Badin

Badin; Deputy Commissioner Abdul Fattah Haliyo took the initiative to inaugurate the anti-polio campaign by personally administering polio drops to a child at Badin Hospital.

Following the campaign launch, an awareness seminar on polio prevention was organized at Government Boys High School Badin. Deputy Commissioner Abdul Fattah Haliyo addressed the seminar, expressing his concern about the spread of baseless negative news regarding polio on social media, overshadowing the positive efforts being made.

"It is unfortunate that false rumors about polio are circulating on social media. I urge parents not to believe in such misinformation and ensure that their children receive polio drops to protect them from the disease and prevent lifelong disability."

Deputy Commissioner Haliyo emphasized the importance of cooperation with the polio team during the urban polio campaign. He stressed the need for collective efforts to eliminate polio, ensuring the well-being of future generations from this debilitating disease.

Addressing students, he stated, "It is everyone's responsibility to spread this message from village to village and street to street, aiming for the permanent eradication of polio from our country."

During the awareness campaign, various speakers, including District Health Officer Dr. Zahiruddin Memon, Assistant Commissioner Dr. Manzoor Memon, Dr. Rajnish, Dr. Soomar Khosa, Surgeon Dr. Meer Akhtar Talpur, Mohammad Khan Samoon, and others, highlighted the importance of personal and community hygiene to prevent polio, emphasizing the use of soap for handwashing.

The walk for polio awareness, organized from Civil Hospital to Main Road and Government Boys High School Badin to Allah Wala Chowk under the leadership of Deputy Commissioner Abdul Fattah Haliyo, saw the participation of numerous speakers, social organizations, students, teachers, and citizens, all united in the effort to eradicate polio.

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