Indian Muslims in Haryana face calls for economic boycott after violence

Indian Muslims in Haryana face calls for economic boycott after violence

In India's New Delhi, there has been trouble between certain Hindu groups and Muslims in the Haryana state. It all began with a religious parade being attacked, leading to deaths. Now, some Hindu organizations with strong beliefs are saying that people should avoid Muslim businesses and keep Muslims out of certain areas.

There were clashes in the Nuh district on July 31 after a religious event was attacked, which caused deaths, including security guards. The problems spread to other districts, even causing a mosque to be set on fire in Gurugram, where someone was killed.

The police in Haryana have arrested over 300 people and detained more than 100 to prevent further issues, according to the Home Minister.

After this violence, several Hindu groups protested. At one of these protests in Nuh, a person named Krishna Gurjar from a Hindu group called Bajrang Dal spoke out. He told local businesses to fire their Muslim employees or else they would be boycotted. He also said that only Hindus should be allowed to sell things in the area and warned Muslim sellers to leave within two days or face consequences.

These actions and words are causing worries and tensions between the different communities. It seems like these demands are based on the idea that Muslims have fewer rights in the country and can be pushed out of certain places.

The police sometimes seem to be present at these protests and rallies but don't always take action against the hate speech being spread. This is against the orders of the highest court in India. The Supreme Court has also said that incidents of hate speech should be reported without waiting for someone to complain.

In April 2023, the Supreme Court ordered Indian states to take note of hate speech incidents even without any complaints being made.

In response to these events, a lawyer named Kapil Sibal has brought a case to India's Supreme Court against the calls to boycott Muslims economically.

Despite this, there are still protests and demonstrations. In Haryana's Hisar district, farmers gathered to protest against the ban on Muslim traders. They believe that these bans are not right and that all religions should work together for peace.

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