The dark clouds of political silence are moving away from Sindh By Latif Jamal

In 1954, Governor General Ghulam Muhammad removed Sindh's identity and imposed the Black Law of Regional Unity, which put all provinces under "one unit" and took away their individual status. Despite the lack of a strong political party in Sindh at the time, young people ignited a rebellion and announced a protest from the "Sindh Madrasi." They continued to fight for the country's greatness and national survival through different forms of struggle, from writing pamphlets to peaceful protests. The youth of Sindh remained connected with the national struggle despite having different ideological thoughts. Under the guise of unity, the establishment of Pakistan stole all the resources of the provinces as the federation's legitimate right and kept the overall political and economic interests of Sindh under its control. Political leaders and young writers and poets of Sindh also resisted such laws and laid the foundation for a historical struggle.
The student struggle of March 4, 1967

The 60s saw the foundation of resistance literature in Sindh, which not only resisted but also became a strong political voice of Sindh. The student struggle of March 4, 1967, was also part of this continuity. Despite no organized political organization of the students of Sindh at the time, the patriotic spirit fought in a politically disorganized manner. The 70s decade saw the emergence of patriotic national struggle parties of Sindh that strengthened their foundations in the 80s. Although the new generation of Sindh made many mistakes during that period, they did not count in the overall political struggle journey.

During this period, the political parties of Sindh ran study circles and dedicated the hearts of the youth of Sindh to revolutionary ideals and patriotic political thought. They also laid the foundations of their ideological and political training. Today, if there are some tired theoretical political training slogans, they are the result of that political background.

In the 80s, political workers of Sindh considered political and literary books as their weapons and devoted themselves to the romance of the ideological and political journey. They were a generation that forgot all other dreams for the sake of the dream of a homeland and survival. They threw away all the layers of oldness over politics. Today, workers are living like slaves in the cruel clutches of capitalism, and capitalism is expanding its monopoly on the weak shoulders of workers. Human society is being trampled in the name of development projects.

Politics is a social science and knowledge of importance to the whole world. For Sindh, politics is the name of life, constant hard work, and struggle. The white-bearded political generation expects that the current youth of Sindh will ride the horse of politics and begin the journey to the truth of patriotic political ideas. Sindh is in the hands of politicians for whom politics is only a world of conspiracies, agreements, and fraud. The struggle for which Ayaz had said: "I fought and lost, and my hair turned white..." At this time, when Sindh is sleeping under the blanket of complete political defeat, the forces of the country who are ruthless policies on the people for power trade.


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