Natural disaster in Badin

Natural disaster in Badin

By Qasim Khoso

This is our Badin district, Sindh province, We live near the sea, And in this area, natural disasters come in large numbers, If seen, then after every 2 or 3 years a natural sound comes in which there is too much rain, people are very much disturbed here due to the inundation, But no such work was done for the people here by the government and non-government organizations, so that the people here will face problems, And the picture of the problem that we are facing right now is given below.

Due to the heavy rains, there has been a lot of destruction and people have become homeless from their homes, they do not have ration to eat, All the non-government and government organizations working for the good of the people are sitting silently, And for the people here, no political statement has come so that it seems that it is going to be good for these people, All our political leaders come here to take pictures and then leave, And the all political leaders' supporters are tired of saying social media compliments but no Practical work is done yet, Can Just Keeping Photos On Social Media Be Good For People? Do people not get food from these pictures, they will get food? Will those people who have become homeless from their homes get these homes by taking these pictures? Now the question arises that if nothing can be gained from these pictures, then how can these political leaders benefit the people here? If a political leader comes here for a visit, After that, his supporters keep talking in great praise.

But the arrival of those political leaders does not benefit the poor people here, They get a chance to join the just pictures.
Can't understand one thing or we are not trying to understand, That the conditions of the people have worsened here, whether the damage they have suffered due to the heavy rains will end with the arrival of these political leaders or will they end by doing practical work? This is the only thing we do not understand and it is also a question that we do to ourselves and also to other people who live around us and who believe these pictures.
In these rains, every person here is very upset, people who live in the city and people who live in the village are mostly upset, Every person has suffered loss here, People living in the village who do their farming have suffered a lot, Those people raised money on interest from banks, that too their drowned crop has also sunk, Now, how will the loss of those crops which have been drowned now become complete? Keeping this loss in view, Will the banks from whom these people took loans, will forgive this bank loan? Or to give this loan back, these people will have to work 10 years more, And if this happens, then these people will be more worried and their small children will have to face even more problems.
One thing everyone understands is that they come to take political and just photographs and keep giving their earnest, apart from these people there is no work that will benefit the people here.
It has been 20 to 25 years since many non-government organizations and government social departments working for the peoples, But the condition of the people here is very bad, there is no such thing that can be seen that the fire here has been done by any organization, Even an organization does not know how much fund is auspicious from the government and from other country but no idea of ​​where it goes, This series which is going on, will it continue in this way as well? It is not known how many questions arise on everything here, but no one can answer those questions.
Now we feel that here the political leaders and the organization have kept the spectacle of the people and they are not going to do any good work for these people, And we people here are so stupid that these organizations and political leaders are very confident that it will change us and bring a good time to us but nothing like this would have happened 10 years ago.


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