PTI has hired 30,000 social media personnel for a sum of 25,000 rupees - Fayyazul Hasan Chauhan

PTI has hired 30,000 people on social media for 25,000 rupees

Fayyazul Hasan Chauhan has shed light on PTI's alleged hiring of 30,000 social media personnel for a sum of 25,000 rupees. The disclosure comes amidst claims made by Chauhan, suggesting that Imran Niazi, the leader of PTI, orchestrated a conspiracy against the Pakistan Army. False information was reportedly circulated in WhatsApp groups affiliated with Tehreek-e-Insaf, claiming a mutiny within the army, including the resignation of a certain General and defiance of orders by others. Chauhan asserts that these claims are part of Imran Khan's plan to incite civil unrest, which was reportedly thwarted by the Pakistan Army on May 9.

Fayyazul Hasan Chauhan

Imran Khan now faces numerous allegations, including incitement to mischief, incitement to public hatred, dissemination of baseless and false information, anti-state propaganda, and involvement in instigating nationwide riots. The situation surrounding Khan's alleged crimes has intensified as these claims have come to light, further deepening the political turmoil in the country. The veracity of these allegations and the potential consequences for Imran Khan remain subjects of ongoing investigation and public scrutiny.

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